Monday, June 15, 2009

Audrey's first birthday party!

This weekend we had Audrey's first birthday party! It has been rainy for the past two weeks, but the skies cleared for a few hours on Saturday, giving us a respite from the rain just in time for her garden-themed party at the park. We had lots of friends and family join us in the celebration. Since it was on Saturday morning, we served bagels, donuts, fruit skewers, juice, and coffee. We also had flower cupcakes and dirt cake with gummy worms, which the kids loved! Audrey enjoyed a banana muffin (dairy, soy, and egg-free!). The kids "goody-bag" was a shovel and a tin pail with a seed pack inside. The shovels were a big hit and the kids had fun digging up the dirt and real worms!

We had a wonderful time and the kids loved running around the park. We can hardly believe that Audrey will be one year old in just a matter of days!

Some of the party-goers at the park

Mimi and Boppa celebrate with Audrey

Audrey and Ellie

Ellie had such a good time playing with her friends!

Lori and Audrey

The birthday girl eyes her muffin while we sing

"Hmmmmm, what is this?"

"This is so good! You've been holding out on me! More please!"

All these presents for one little girl!


Mimi said...

It was such a great party! I think Audrey had a wonderful time. She seemed to love her special "birthday cake". Ellie had a fabulous time with all of her friends there. It was fun watching her run back and forth from the tables to the playground. And it was great to see the girls' teachers again. Thank you, moms, for your hard work planning & preparing.

calif. mom said...

wish little Audrey a belated birthday wish!!With our travel, I missed getting a card to you ya

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, Grandma! Her actual birthday is the 24th. We had to have the party early because of plans for the next few weekends. This way she'll get two celebrations!


3dingsandadog said...

Thank goodness I read the comments..I started to think I missed her birthday...Card will be in the mail hopefully soon..we are in North Dakota :)