Sunday, January 6, 2008

Home again

(By JPC)

We are home from our week long trip to visit Lori's family in California. We had a lot of expectations for this trip since it was our first trip there in 3 years and also Ellie's first chance to meet most of Lori's family. Unfortunately, we were sick for the entire week. The family reunion/spaghetti cook-off was canceled. We only got to spend one hour with Lori's brother, David, and his family from Minnesota. We only had one day with Lori's mom. We spent just a few hours with Lori's sister, Judi, and some of her family. And Lori and I felt just awful the entire week.

On the bright side, we were able to spend a lot of time with Lori's sister, Barb, and her family with whom we were staying and sharing our germs (sorry, Lee!). We also got to see Lori's dad and her younger brother, Mike, and his family a few times since they live close to Barb. Ellie met her uncles, one of her aunts, and lots of cousins for the first time. She loved her older cousins!! For a week she followed Kyleigh around and did whatever Kyleigh did. Her vocabulary also increased dramatically just trying to keep up with the big girls. She had a fantastic time (and didn't get nearly as sick as we did) and cried the night before we left when we told her we were leaving.

We took very few pictures, but here are some of Ellie and her cousins.....

Ellie and Kyleigh playing on the floor

You can see the adoration on Ellie's face as they enjoy their Rice Krispies!

Ellie playing with two of her older cousins

Opening presents at Grandma's house

Lori walked into the living room one day to find Ellie snuggled up in Kyleigh's lap while Kyleigh read her a story.

Snuggled on the couch, watching TV.


3dingsandadog said...

This definitely was not the trip you planned or any of us expected...but on the bright side Kyleigh and Ellie had a lot of time to bond. Kyleigh just loved having her little cousin here and misses her. We miss you all too but know how glad you are to be home! See you in the summer when it isn't flu season!!!!


johnna said...

Colds and flu aside, it was wonderful seeing the 3PIP!
If someone hasn't already done it, a book should be written on the subject of "Cousins." For some reason (or reasons) the bond and joy of having cousins seems to be the most wonderful, lasting relationship in the world.
Barbara may want to weigh in on this, but surely in my experience, cousins were just the greatest. Certainly Ellie, Kyleigh, Sara, and the Clark girls
-to name just a few- demonstrate this bond and adoration.

not2brightGRAM said...

Short but Sweet...

It was good to see you all, even if for a few hours!

Ellie is adorable.

Hope you're on the mend. Just in time to return to work.... YIKES!