Saturday, January 19, 2008

16 1/2 weeks

At 16 1/2 weeks, I am much bigger than I was with Ellie at this point! I tell everyone that my abdominal muscles remember this battle and aren't going to bother fighting it this time. I'm not wearing maternity clothes yet, but it will only be a couple more weeks before I have to make that transition I think. Thankfully, I still have the maternity clothes from my pregnancy with Ellie and my wonderful friend, Heather, sent me a big box full of hers.

A big belly is not the only unexpected thing going on at 16 weeks. I have had very bad morning sickness (called hyperemesis) since week 6 and although I am continually told that it should end by 16 weeks, it's still here. At about 8 weeks (the day before Thanksgiving), I spent 4-5 hours in the ER getting hydration and medications because I just couldn't stop throwing up. I started taking an anti-nausea medication (Zofran) then, much to my chagrin, because daily functioning was becoming a problem. I have been able to significantly decrease how much I am taking now but am still getting sick. Luckily, I feel the worst in the middle of the night and in the very early hours of the morning so work has been manageable. Lori has been fantastic in picking up the majority of the work around the house and the care of Ellie. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that I will feel better soon!

Besides how I'm feeling, the most common question we get is about the sex of the baby. It was my choice last time not to find out. This time it's Lori's turn to decide. I would still prefer not to know, but obviously if Lori wants to find out, then we'll find out! The ultrasound is scheduled for February 11th so we'll have until then to try to coerce Lori one way or the other (ahem, Mimi, Boppa, and Aunt Joan). Guesses are of course welcome!


Anonymous said...

Hope soon you will be feeling better...nothing like morning sickness!!!! My vote would be for a girl...nice to have a little sister to boss around!!! But ofcourse the main thing is as long as the child is healthy!!! Hang in there........

johnna said...

The best, easiest, and most inexpensive way to determine the gender of an unborn is the old-fashioned way; when the baby starts to kick:
If HE kicks, its a boy.
If SHE kicks its a girl!

Anonymous said...

Hey I just like to target my retail therapy so it is purely for selfish reasons I'm in the towards figuring it out group (LOL). Seriously, either way it will be one extremely loved baby so it doesn't matter, it's just too much fun trying to wind Lori up. Boy or girl I think this one is going to keep you on your toes.

Anonymous said...

Even though we are SOOOOOOOOO curious, we really don't have preference. A nice healthy girl or a nice healthy boy, either way, we are just thrilled to add to our family!