Friday, April 6, 2007

A cold day at the beach

(by JPC)

Today we went spent a few hours at the beach where we celebrated the opening of the boardwalk for the season (2 for 1 ride tickets!). We were amazed as we saw our little baby grow into a toddler right before our eyes. We thought that Ellie would be too scared to ride any of the kiddie rides, after all we weren't able to get a picture with Santa or the Easter Bunny this year. To our amazement, however, she loved it! Her first ride was with Kyleigh (video below), which eased her in to the idea and after that she went on 4 more alone. I guess it's not the baby who's scared, but the mamas who are scared to let her grow up. We certainly want her to have an adventerous spirit, but I think that we (mainly me) need to develop our own first so that we're prepared for these "big" developments. Overall, we had an excellent albeit cold afternoon at the beach!

Ellie bundled up for her first trip to the beach

The girls on their first ride of the day

Why would you think that I'd be scared of this baby ride?!?

Ringing the bell on the fire truck as it goes around

Kyleigh on the merry-go-round

The P-Cs

The gang warming up with coffee and hot chocolate!


Anonymous said...

Grandchildren are wonderful.
If I had known how great they are, I would have had them FIRST!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for summer so I can see this in person! Wish Kyleigh could be there too!