Sunday, April 18, 2010

Happy Birthday to me!

For my birthday, we all spent the weekend in Philadelphia and had such a fun time! We spent most of Saturday at the zoo and then went back again this morning to see the exhibits that we missed yesterday (we're members so free entrance and free parking - yay!). The girls were great and enjoyed staying in the hotel almost as much as the zoo :-)

Lori and her long lost cousin

with whom Ellie came face to face!

The girls' both loved the Children's Zoo, especially this huge bunny village!

Inside a tractor wheel

Lunch :-)

Audrey is doing her imitation of an elephant - the index finger in front of her nose is supposed to be the trunk!

Enjoying mini burgers and ketchup at Saturday night's birthday dinner!

Sunday morning and back at the zoo!

There were special events at the zoo this morning for Autism Awareness Day. Ellie got to meet lots of different characters, of which Audrey was terrified. She kept calling Abby, but when we got close, she freaked out!

We had such a fun weekend and are completely exhausted! It was so nice to get away though. We hope to go back again soon and see more of the sights of Philadelphia!


Four peas in a pod said...

It was a really fun time! Seeing the animals through the girls' eyes was so wonderful! It was also really cool to be inches away from the Gorilla's face -looking her straight in the eyes. You have to be crazy to not know we are related. Whether you believe the science of evolution, or any type of fundamentalism, (say related on the chain but soul-less???) You can't observe these guys for long without seeing so MANY human behaviors, etc. It's really really cool. I envy Jane Goodall who has spent so much time with them!

It's too bad they are being poached and becoming extinct.

Mimi said...

How great! This looks like a pretty perfect weekend for everybody! The girls seemed to have had an unforgettable adventure! What a great birthday weekend for Mama!

Four peas in a pod said...

Seriously, Lori, you're bringing down my birthday with all your talk of evolution and extinction. After dinner, let's have a full discussion on deforestation and popcorn without palm oil.


Four peas in a pod said...

I know, who knew?!?! lol!

Mimi said...

How early is everybody going to bed tonight? I am betting it's pretty early!! Monday comes early!

Jess(ica) said...

wow what a fun weekend! No better way to spend a birthday weekend than with your amazing family! Glad you all had such a great time!

johnna said...

Happy Birthday, Jana! I really meant to call, but somehow the day got away from me. 'can't wait to see you and the fam next month.

calif. grandma said...

Guess I need to get back in the "swing" of things and check out the blogs more often..enjoyed your seeing you all soon...