Sunday, October 4, 2009

Apple picking

We had wonderful weather today so we welcomed in Autumn by going apple picking this morning. The girls had a fun time, although I don't think Audrey understood what was going on; she kept picking up the rotten apples from the ground and putting them in her bag. One of us would then throw them back on the ground when she wasn't looking! We ended up with plenty of apples and now have apple cake, applesauce, and apple cider.

Ellie also had another treat today - her first doughnut! I have always told her when (if) she is no longer allergic to egg, the first thing we'll do is stop and get a doughnut. Today the farm stand had cider doughnuts with NO EGG!!! She loved very bite of them!


calif. mom said...

How I love "home made cider"... and of-course donuts...only I prefer just plain old the pictures, they sure look like they were having lots of fun... glad you had nice weather.......

Jess(ica) said...

Looks like a great day! And apple picking is such a great way to welcome in fall! I wish I could be there to help you eat your apple treats =) hehe. And that doughnut... yummy! Oh and as always, the girls look adorable!

Mimi said...

What a great day!!! I thought Audrey would like picking up apples and putting them into a bag since that is what she likes to do when she plays. They are just so beautiful - even with powdered sugar all over!!!!