Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Happy Memorial Day! We had a very full and fun three-day weekend, from BBQs to parades to just hanging out with family.

Saturday we went to a BBQ with dear old friends. The older three kids, which includes Ellie, are just a couple months apart in age and had a great time playing! The older kids did, too :-)

The kids learning how to blow pinwheels

Chowing down on some corn

Jana and good friends from high school

Our beautiful girls

On Sunday we hung out at Mimi and Boppa's house and even got in a little shopping!

Ellie making biscuits for breakfast with Mimi

Audrey getting snuggles from Mimi.

Today went watched the Memorial Day parade at the end of Mimi and Boppa's street. Ellie was a little nervous at first about the noise, but got into it very quickly once they started throwing candy!

The evidence of a good weekend are the pictures from the drive home....

We hope that you had a lovely weekend, too. We are so very thankful for the men and women who fought for and protect our country every day.


Jess(ica) said...

Wow! You did so much... no wonder the girls were crashed out on the way home! The Hard Cranberry for the adults was probably much needed tonight! hehe... and like Ellie, I am easily lured in by candy, too! hehe!

3dingsandadog said...

Those last pic's are a sure sign of a great weekend! I'll bet you both felt like that too!!

Mimi said...

It was a really great weekend for sure, but I have never seen them crashed like that!!!! Did we play too hard?? Was it the Big Wheel? Was it playing Jack and Jill, the Opera? Was it....... We did a LOT!!!

Cami said...

Ellie looks like she's vogueing in the biscuit picture. How fierce! :P