Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Ellie's 2nd Birthday!

(By JPC)

Yesterday was an exciting day in our household - Ellie turned 2! It is hard to believe that she is 2 already (wasn't she just born a few days ago?!?!). Although she certainly has her moments, whoever popularized the phrase "terrible twos" clearly didn't have this 2 year old. She is an absolute delight and so incredibly much fun at this age.

We woke her up in the morning by singing "Happy Birthday", which she wasn't so crazy about at 6:15 am. She obviously somewhat understood the importance of the day becuase she insisted on wearing her sunglasses into school. When I dropped her off, they made a big fuss and she even got a gift from one of her teachers. I returned later in the day to host her birthday party. The smile on her face made me so glad that I had stayed up the night before making cupcakes (even though I just wanted to go to sleep after our travels home from Florida!). She was so proud to show everyone the cupcakes we had made!

Ellie with her just-frosted cupcakes for school at 6:30 am. After her oatmeal, she got a little scoop of icing for breakfast, too. Hey, it's only once a year!

Ellie sharing her birthday treats (cupcakes and juice) with her friends at school.

The birthday girl and her pals

Opening some birthday gifts at home. We made the mistake of letting her open a toy first so that she then wasn't interested in opening anything else for a while!

Ellie's birthday party is this weekend at our house. We'll try to get pictures up as soon as we can afterwards. We also have lots of other pictures to post from our Florida trip last weekend and other happenings for our family. We've been quite the busy bunch!


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful happy day for our wonderful two-year-old girl! She clearly understood that it was her day. Love the picture holding her best friend's hand. Sweet!!!

3dingsandadog said...

Happy Birthday, Ellie! Sounds like you had a great day!

Aunt Barbie, Uncle Lee and Kyleigh!

johnna said...

Happy Birthday, Ellie!
You are so precious! All of your left-coast relatives look forward to seeing you soon.
With Love,
Grandpa Clark

not2brightGRAM said...

Oh, to be two again and eat frosting for breakfast!!

(spoken by the insulin-dependent member of the family)

Aunt Pup

not2brightGRAM said...

If you don't post something new soon, the next one might be Ellie's THIRD birthday! LOL